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Eskom announces 24hr long stage 6 load shedding

power failure

According to Eskom, in order to supplement generation capacity, it is necessary to manage emergency reserves, Pretoria Rekord reports.

As of today, at 16:00, Eskom has eliminated the lower stages of load-shedding that were implemented during the day in favor of implementing stage 6 for the full 24 hours.

According to the utility company, this is because of severe capacity constraints, which require more stringent management of the ‘limited emergency generation reserves.’

After seven of Eskom’s units failed, the utility company made the announcement yesterday evening that daily load-shedding would be implemented at stages 6 and 4, respectively, throughout the night and day.

Nonetheless, additional generator failures compelled it to make the announcement that continuous stage 6 load-shedding would be implemented this afternoon and would continue until further notice.

READ MORE: Godongwana: Eskom to be divided into three entities

The amount of power that is currently unavailable due to breakdowns is 18 041 MW, while 5 739 MW is out of commission because of scheduled maintenance.

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