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Kholeka Gcaleka And The Great Cover Up

Uncovering Undeclared Riches to Stolen Treasures: A Look into Cyril Ramaphosa’s Clearance by Kholeka Gcaleka in the Phala Phala Farm Gate Case and Ghana’s Cecilia Abena Dapaah’s Imprisonment for a Similar Offense.

From Phala Phala Farm to Ghana Gate: Criticisms Surround President Ramaphosa Phala Phala Farm Incident as Corruption Allegations Refuse to Go Away On social media

In recent times, corruption allegations have sent shockwaves through the governments of Ghana and South Africa, casting a dark shadow over the integrity and accountability of their leaders. Two high-profile cases involving Cecilia Dapaah in Ghana and President Cyril Ramaphosa’ Phala Phala Farm in South Africa have ignited a firestorm of controversy, revealing stark contrasts in the treatment of political figures accused of similar crimes.

former minister cecilia dapaah who was arrested by ghanaian police after hiding undeclared 1 million dollars in her house.

Ghanaian Case: A Vast Disappearance of Funds and Valuables from The Home of Cecilia Dapaah

The scandal surrounding Cecilia Dapaah, former Minister of Sanitation and Water Resources, has brought to light a colossal amount of money, personal belongings, and cash sums reported stolen from her residence. Astoundingly, the figures mentioned in the court charge sheet revealed a staggering $1 million. Along with pricey handbags and jewellery, there are euros and 350k Ghana cedis as well.

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Despite her resignation from her post, Ms Dapaah’s arrest by the Office of the Special Prosecutor sent a powerful message that no one, not even a high-ranking minister, is above the law. However, the disparity in treatment becomes strikingly apparent when compared to another case of alleged corruption.

acting public protector kholeka gcaleka has been accused of covering up for ramaphosa

SA Case: The Phala Phala Farm Saga and the Controversial Presidential Cover-Up By Kholeka Gcaleka

The saga surrounding President Cyril Ramaphosa and the disappearance of $582,000 from his farm in Limpopo has been met with widespread scepticism. Shockingly, the President chose not to report the crime, raising serious doubts about his transparency and the alleged corruption involved.

Ramaphosa’s Immunity: The Untouchable President

Despite similar accusations and suspicions of financial irregularities, President Ramaphosa remains untouched by the long arm of the law. The investigation conducted by the Office of the Public Protector, Kholeka Gcaleka, has been marred by criticisms of being a pro-Ramaphosa public relations exercise, leaving many questioning whether the President will ever face the consequences for his alleged actions. Critics argued that Kholeka Gcaleka attempted to bury the merits of the investigation in legal jargon and semantics, contorting the law to present the President as an innocent bystander to the Phala Phala Farm scandal.

a banner hung over a freeway stating that phala phala farm is a crime scene.

Ramaphosa broke the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act

The ATM party’s Mxolisi Makhubu strongly opposed Kholeka Gcaleka’s findings, labelling them as “legally unsound.” The party claimed that the President violated multiple laws, including the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act, for failing to report the matter to the Hawks, and the constitution, for undertaking paid work while in office.

The Allegations and Proof of Financial Irregularities

SARS the revenue service, which claimed that it had no record of the Phala Phala dollars being declared, added credence to Makhubu’s claims. This pointed to President Ramaphosa’s apparent transgressions in conducting large sums of foreign currency transactions without adhering to SARS’ excess currency policy and the Financial Intelligence Centre’s regulations, which cap the amount of cash one can hold at R25,000.

atm says ramaphosa broke the prevention and combating of corrupt activities act.

In a letter to Ramaphosa’s legal team, the Reserve Bank requested information about the foreign currency used in the “sale,” and it was revealed that the President hid these financial dealings from the country’s central bank, raising questions about his transparency and trustworthiness.

Chief Justice Sandile Ngcobo Independent Panel’s Findings: Ramaphosa Has A Case to Answer

The independent panel, chaired by retired Chief Justice Sandile Ngcobo, found that President Cyril Ramaphosa indeed had a case to answer to regarding the Phala Phala Farm scandal. Despite the panel’s thorough 82-page report, the exact amount of money “stored” or “concealed” in the president’s private residence remains a mystery, adding to the sense of suspicion surrounding the case.

The panel’s report also highlighted the lack of direct knowledge from President Ramaphosa regarding how the funds landed on his farm, relying instead on hearsay from Sylvester Ndlovu, who allegedly received the foreign currency. The involvement of Sudanese national Mustafa Mohamed Ibrahim Hazim in bringing R9m to the farm and purchasing buffalo, which remain unexplained two years later, only deepened the complexity of the allegations.

Unequal Treatment: A Blow to Equality Before the Law

The contrasting treatment of these two cases has sent shockwaves through both nations, highlighting the deep-rooted issue of unequal treatment before the law. While Cecilia Dapaah faces the full force of the legal system, President Cyril Ramaphosa appears immune to the consequences of his alleged misdeeds, leaving citizens wondering if there are different sets of rules for politicians and ordinary citizens. At this point no one can blame them if they do think that way.

READ MORE: Zuma: Ramaphosa is a thief who hides money in mattresses

Critics argue that despite clear evidence of law-breaking, Ramaphosa’s close ties to the owners of white-owned corporations in South Africa shield him from ever facing a jail sentence. Since assuming office, these corporate giants wield significant influence over the country’s governance, raising concerns about potential favoritism and unequal treatment before the law.

This disparity not only undermines the principles of justice but also erodes public trust in the fairness and impartiality of the legal system. As citizens demand transparency, ethical governance, and equality in the application of the law, the glaring differences in these corruption cases have become a pivotal moment for both Ghana and South Africa.

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