Mother kills her 4 children with a sledgehammer whilst they were asleep
Following the discovery of the bodies of her four children, a mother from the Eastern Cape, South Africa was taken into police custody.
According to Times Live, it is believed that a sledgehammer was used to commit the gruesome murders that took away the lives of the four children.
Brigadier Kinana, the commander of the police force in Engcobo, said on Wednesday that they were looking into the murders that occurred in rural Mhlabubomvu, Eastern Cape.
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The 32-year-old woman and the deceased, who ranged in age from 2 to 11, were discovered in a rondavel.

They were attacked with a sledgehammer by their her, according to early investigation results, Kinana claimed.
*Update: it has been reported that the accused, Nomboleko Noludwe Simayile collapsed and died in police custody.
What is it called when a mother kills her child?
The act of a mom killing her child is commonly referred to as “maternal filicide.”
What is filicide?
Maternal filicide can have various underlying causes and contributing factors. It is a complex issue with no single explanation. Some potential factors that can contribute to maternal filicide include:
- Mental health issues: Maternal mental health conditions such as postpartum depression, postpartum psychosis, or other psychiatric disorders may impair her judgment and impulse control.
- History of abuse or neglect: Mothers who have experienced abuse or neglect in their own childhood may be at higher risk of perpetrating filicide.
- Social isolation and lack of support: Limited social support, isolation, and lack of resources can increase stress levels for mothers and make it more challenging to cope with the demands of parenting.
- Relationship difficulties: Strained relationships with the child’s father, family conflicts, or domestic violence can contribute to a mother’s emotional distress and potential risk of harming her child.
- Substance abuse: Substance abuse issues, such as drug addiction or alcoholism, can impair judgment and increase the likelihood of harmful behaviors.
- Unplanned pregnancy or unwanted child: Maternal filicide may occur in situations where she feels overwhelmed, lacks resources, or perceives the child as an obstacle to her life goals.
- Untreated or unrecognized postpartum mental health disorders: Failure to identify and treat postpartum mental health conditions can increase the risk of maternal filicide.
It is important to note that these factors do not justify or excuse the act of maternal filicide, but they may help provide insight into some of the contributing factors.

Each case is unique, and it is essential to approach the topic with sensitivity and seek professional help for individuals facing these challenges.